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Wholesale, Distribution and Importing

Our software provides easy and intuitive taking of new Orders, with automatic handling of Back Orders, and auto committing of merchandise
to Orders.
Orders can always be edited or deleted by users with the right security permissions.
Automatic handling of procurement of merchandise on Back Order, with auto consolidation of procuring Purchase Orders and discrimination by
destination for Drop Ship Orders.
Complete integration to Inventory in real time, for multiple (unlimited) warehouses, and optional Inventory by Location inside the Warehouses.
Automatic Consignment handling permits automatic Consignment invoicing.
Calculation of real Cost of Goods Sold by automatic propagation of Landing Costs, allows the system to calculate the Cost of Goods Sold and
the Gross Profits based on the Landed Costs.
Sales Documents
Full set of documents to handle quotations, orders and returns
Quotations with inline Item images
Automatic handling of Back Orders
Automatic committing of merchandise to Orders
Automatic procurement of Back Orders
Automatic conversion of units, even across different dimensions, with attributes like density or specific volume of the items
Automatic calculation of Shipping Rates, by accessing the Carriers in real time, including checking shipping size, girth and
weight restrictions, and getting negotiated rates
Automatic tracking of orders pending shipment, pending Invoice, etc.
Order management
Automatic management of merchandise and back orders
Automatic, one-click procurement of back orders
Automatic, one-click shipping with optional printing of Packing Lists, Bills of Lading or Picking Lists
Multiple filters by customer, order date, delivery date, procurement status, back order status, etc.
Automatic Procurement
Automatic, one-click generation of Purchase Orders or Work Orders
Discrimination by Ship To address for Drop Ship Orders
Use of Vendor Aliases to send the Vendor’s Item Codes automatically in the Purchase Orders
Sales and Inventory Forecasts
Inventory Dashboard to generate seasonal forecasts
Automatic generation of purchase plans to fulfill the orders and inventory needs in a “just on time” way
Inventory by Warehouse
Optional Inventory by Location inside the Warehouse
Multiple Warehouses
Consignment Warehouses
Landing costs and landed costs
Different valuation methods (Weighted Average, FIFO, LIFO and Standard)
Sticky Purchase Prices to automatically build a file of prices by Vendor and Item
Full set of Purchase Documents and full set of return To Vendor documents
Linking of Vendor Invoices with landing expenses Invoices
Automatic prorating of landing expenses over items purchased
Automatic tracking of orders pending shipment, pending Vendor Invoice, etc.
Commissions Calculation
Commissions Calculation by Invoicing and/or by Collection
Multiple sales representatives can earn commissions over the same invoices or parts of invoices
Automatic recalculation when invoices or payments change
Statements of Account for the sales representatives
Automatic reception and transmission of EDI information (connection to the EDI Network is not included)
Automatic price verification and optional price override for selected EDI partners
Automatic verification of incoming EDI orders to prevent errors sent by the partners, with a log of errors for each order
Visual interactive correction of orders with errors
Order Import from External Sources
Import orders from Web Stores
Import orders from Amazon
Import orders from eBay
Import orders from other external sources
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