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Our Point of Sale software provides support for multiple stores with multiple Cash Registers per store.
Supervisors at the Store Back Offices and at the Company Headquarters can check the status of sales and funds in all Cash Registers in real
time without disturbing the work of the cashiers.
The Cash Register software is fully integrated with the Inventory module, and keeps accuratestore inventory.
Updates of the Back Office Headquarters accounting is done in real time, so the cash position of the Cash Register accounts are kept updated
in real time, and at the moment of closing a Cashier shift, the total Store or General cash accounts are updated instantly as well.
The integration of the Cash Registers with the ERP software permits complex operations by the Cashier, like creating Lay Away accounts in the
Accounts Receivable of the Branch or Company.
Cash Register
Different environments are configurable, like:
supermarket-like environments
mixed retail and distribution environments
coop style cash environments where coop members come and buy on account or pay pending balances
Running totals of sales by type of payment
Permanent journals, with shift identification and filtering by shift or day
Hardware control for poles displays, cash drawers, receipt printers, etc.
Pay Accounts Receivable pending invoices at the Cash Register
Pay expense from the till operations
Middle of the day withdrawals
Cash check operations
Payment with Credit and Debit Cards, checks, cash and credit charge for Customers with accounts
Keep store inventory updated
Query inventory in other stores or in the main warehouses for items for special order sales
Supervisor module
Query and print activity of the current shift or of past shifts with unlimited permanent history
Query funds in the cash register
Call specific sales or credits to the screen for display or printing
Automatic integration with the General Ledger module
Automatic integration with the Accounts Receivable module
Automatic integration with the Inventory module
Automatic integration with the Sales modules for consolidated sales statistics by Store, categories and subcategories
of Items, etc.
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